Monday, March 08, 2010


hurmmm.. last post aku ade cakap nk ltak pix hasil godekan tbe2 usb external aku menyembunyikan diri. so tak leh la aku uplod pix yg menggamit memori tersebut. aduyaiii..

so takpelah. nanti aku da kemas2 bilik mesti jumpe balik kot. hehe.

so kat entry kali ni aku nk cite pasal movie yang aku tengok smlm. "Motherhood", Uma Thurman yang blakon. tgk cover dy macam lawak jenaka. so aku pun tertarek la nk membeli. so smpi umah, aku pun layan la cite nie. cite dy sgt la slowwww, tp aku tak mengantok pasal ak dah terpuas tido malam sebelumnye, pagi sebelumnye da siang sebelumnye. hehe. so tadah je la mate kan?

papepun, byk scene yg aku rase best dan menyentuh perasaan(haha aku rase sme movie aku tgk pn pasti tersentuh hati kecik ku ini). dan bile melayan menonton, maken membuat aku rase nak having my own kids. hahaha. mcm gile plak. tapi nk rase all the experinces. but yet, macam takut je nk jadi mak orang nie. diri sndiri pn blum terurus kot. badan pun maken kurus. aduyai.

tp aku dapat byk moral values dari cite nie. banyak pengorbanan yang dilakukan oleh parents for their kids. they have their own dreams, tapi terpakse lupekan demi anak2. aku teringat, mende nie pnah di quote kan oleh sorang guest kat Oprah Winfrey Show season bape tah. mase tu aku rase sgt terharu. mase tu je la. skang da ilang di bawa angen bayu. haha. papepun, kite akan melangkah ke dunia baru pas da ada anak. sebab tu kena sentiasa belajar dan banyak membaca. how to be a good parents, how to deal with kids' emotions, jow to hold your angriness towards kids and so on la. and im going to add some more year to my actual birth date this becoming May, so aku pun da kne start membaa la kot! haha. and aku pun akan dealing dgn kids kat hospital nnt, sambil2 tu belajar cmane nk ade anak sendiri plak. so, to mommies out there, well done for your good jobs of having kids, being a wife and also having real jobs. happy woman's day, and am really appreciate you!

p/s: i was at the boarding school throughout my teenage years. i missed all the things. i missed chit chatting with mommy. i missed girls talking with her. i missed gossiping together. i owed her stories about guys i liked most. i owed her stories about my puberty. i owed her times of beeing by her side when she needed the most. i owed her my shoulders when she need someone to turn into. i owed her bunch of thankfull of being a good mommy, a good advicer, a good companion, a good friend, a good listener. and i'll make sure im coming home this august and we have a lot to catch up, mama! i love you the most. mwah!

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